Lancia Delta Integrale specialists and enthusiasts
Spring startup
It's that time of year when a man's fancy turns to his garage. Over the winter big jobs have been done, and now it's time to do the final tasks, and get the car ready for the road.
This means an oil & filter change, and if you're unlucky, freeing the brakes off. I'm now committed to Mobil 1 20-60 racing oil, so
that's whats going in 'em. I drain the oil a week ahead, leave the sump plug out and let the crap drip out. The filter on one car was so tight it broke the chain on the filter wrench! but overcoming that a new filter was fitted, I remove the cam cover and spark plugs, and pour some oil over the cams, then dribble a little oil through the plug holes. I replace the cover and fill up the oil, while that's settling, I give the spark plugs a good clean.
Before replacing the plugs, I check the oil again, then turn the engine over until pressure shows on the dial. Then I replace the plugs, and hopefully the engine'll start.
Starting up with the oil down the bores is lovely for the engine, and makes a dramatic cloud of smoke. Lockup neighbours call over to see what's on fire!
The smoke filled garage reminded me of a railway engine shed early in the morning, with all the locos firing up.

The loco shed
I took the white Evo down for a wheel alignment, the car has now gone to Munich for the summer, so I wanted it to be spot on.
We drove the car to Germany, and it was great. Smooth, powerful and full of beans, boosting a bit up the long hills
on the autobahns, and the brakes good too in the sudden
traffic jams.

I'm left at home with the rest
of the fleet, they're looking good after a winter of bodywork